Will my child’s IEP or Section 504 Plan apply to her on SAT exams?

As a special needs child reaches high school age, parents must make sure that the required accommodations are going to be applied for their PSATs and SATs. It’s not an automatic right that whatever is in your 504 Plan or in your IEP is going to be applied to SATs or PSATs, but many of […]

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What does a disabled child’s right to be educated in the “Least Restrictive Environment” mean?

The phrase “Least Restrictive Environment” means that a special education student has a right to as much exposure as possible to the general education students and the general education social  environment – whenever possible and feasible. It is a continuum: it begins with the special needs child being in the same classroom with the general […]

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What kind of services can my child with disability receive from the school?

  Theoretically, there is no limit to the types of services to which children with disabilities are entitled; the only actual limit is that the service must be based on genuine, proven need. Benefit isn’t enough; need is the only basis. For example: your child has a right to any necessary modifications to the content, […]

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Will my child’s IEP or Section 504 Plan apply to her once she goes to college?

The process of getting services for special needs children at college is very different from the process for secondary schools. By law, secondary schools are obligated to reach out to special needs families and to help figure out what services are required, and to provide those services. Colleges are not obligated. You must be extremely […]

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Do children with disabilities have any special rights with regard to being disciplined by school?

While there is some confusion surrounding this issue, schools do have the right to discipline special needs children, but there are some specialized rights of these children that parents need to be aware of. Special needs children are subject to the school’s code of conduct like anyone else; however, if their problematic behavior is a […]

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How does a child with a disability qualify for services from the school?

There are two primary statutes that outline legal requirements for a disabled child to qualify for special services from a public school: the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Each has different requirements. The IDEA contains an extensive list of disabilities that qualify, and your child’s disability must […]

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What can I do if my school is not following my disabled child’s IEP or section 504 Plan?

  If you are the parent of a disabled child and the school is not following the IEP or Section 504 Plan, there are several steps you can take to rectify the situation. The first step is an IEP or Section 504 Plan meeting, and you can have as many of these as you deem […]

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