Who will pay my wages if I have to stay out of work?

Your first option is to go through temporary disability which is a state program  Next is to use your automobile insurance to collect your wages Unfortunately, neither of these coverages provide you the same amount of wages that you earn when you’re working Money has to be obtained somewhere. In this type of case we […]

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How do you determine if you have a case if you were attacked by a dog?

The majority of dog attacks occur on property or on the premises of a relative or somebody you know If you are on that person’s property with their permission and you are attacked by their dog and injured, you have a right to recover for those injuries Keep in mind that their homeowner’s insurance usually […]

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How do Personal Injury Attorneys get paid in New Jersey?

Personal injury attorneys work on what’s called a contingency basis. In other words, they get a percentage of the recovery if there is a recovery. In New Jersey that percentage is ⅓ or 33⅓% after the attorney is reimbursed for whatever costs he or she happened to put forth to pursue the case. If the […]

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